William S. Morris
Public Speaker, Author,
Educator, Lawyer, Historian
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
George Santayana Harvard University Professor of Philosophy.
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Iowa Gold Star Military Museum
Saturday, March 22, 2025 @11 am
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4801 Franklin Ave. Des Moines, Iowa
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75 E Army Post Rd, Des Moines, IA 50315
Sunday, March 23, 2025 @ 3pm
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Monday, March 24, 2025 @ 6pm
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Wednesday, March 19, 2024
Time: TBA
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“River to River” Hosted by Ben Kieffer.
February 27, 2025 @ 1:00 pm
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In Defense of the Nation: Black Iowans at War

Those wanting to understand the importance and role of Black Iowans in military service should first look to In Defense of the Nation: Black Iowans at War. There is no better overview than this book.
Leo Landis
Former State Curator,
State Historical Society of Iowa
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ABOUT THE BOOK: The service and sacrifice of Black Americans in defense of the United States has been the primary engine which has driven political, economic, and social progress for Blacks in this nation from the Revolutionary War to the Persian Gulf War. Throughout this span of over two hundred years, African Americans have contributed mightily to the cause of liberty. Colonial Patriot Crispus Attucks, a 47-year-old former slave escaped from his white master at age 14, and ultimately became the first American to give his life on March 05, 1770, in the fight for independence from England. Generations later General Colin L. Powell, became the first Black Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Commander of Allied Forces in the victory over Iraq in 1991. Yet, during the first century of American history, and into the twentieth century, Black Americans were often barred from officially serving in state militias and federal armed forces. This book is devoted to tracing the service and accomplishments of African Americans from the 29th state admitted to the Union, November 5, 1846, the great state of Iowa.
Morris’ unique approach to this topic takes his readers back in time, with personal interviews and accounts from veterans and explores the broad multi-generational African American military experience. The bravery and strength of these soldiers should inspire the next generation of Americans and expand their knowledge of Black achievement beyond slavery and racism.
Passionate about cultural and political history, and the lessons they teach us
William S. Morris is passionate about American history. He is a published author, educator, lawyer (retired), historian and public speaker. A visionary and conservative, Morris teaches, researches, and writes about African American history. His unique presentations travel back in time centuries before the intercontinental slave trade and explores the broad multi-generational African ancestral experience. He also lectures on military history and Critical Race Theory and its adverse impacts on American public education.

Speaking Topics
Engage – Inspire – Educate
Black History

My goal is to shine light on some of the outstanding facts of African American history that are rarely discussed. I like to start with African explorers arriving in the New World before Europeans, and show how Black history is connected with Spanish, European, Mexican, and Israeli history.
Military History

Military service and sacrifice have been the driving forces of freedom and equality for African Americans. It was the service of military veterans that formed the backbone of the abolitionist movement in colonial times, the building blocks of the Black middle class and essential to the civil rights movements.
Critical Race Theory

America has been politically and socially fractured by violence and extremism across the political spectrum over the last several years. Class, racial, and ideological strife have damaged the social contract and the very fabric of our nation and threatens to destroy America as we know it.
Video Clips
Black History
Military History
Black Soldiers

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From the thousands of free black men who fought for General George Washington during the Revolutionary War, to the 179,000 black soldiers who fought for the Union in the Civil War, black servicemen have contributed to the defense of freedom often in greater proportion than their white countrymen.
The Tribalization of America

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The rise of organized gangs or “nations” is directly attributable to the decline of the extended family and increasingly limited employment prospects for working-class and low- income youth. These semi-autonomous groups of young men and women from all racial backgrounds are a hybrid of the extended family, fraternal or sororal organizations, and Indian warrior society. The historical parallels between the establishment of the reservation system for Native Americans and the evolution of Black ghettos in America are numerous and strikingly similar.
America's Myopic Drug War

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The reality is that sexual misconduct on the part of adults who should “know better” is tearing apart the social fabric of our society, from teen-age pregnancy to abortion, from child abuse and poverty to domestic abuse and overburdened court systems.
Keynote Speaker Testimonials

Congregation Beth Messiah
William Morris has spoken on black history in addition to other social and historical events in our congregation on several occasions. His expertise, knowledge, and wisdom about black history is enlightening as well as refreshing.
His ability to communicate to multiple generations and all backgrounds on this subject with humility and grace is also inspirational. Lastly, his ability to apply this historical information into our current culture and context is needed in our world today. His is a needed voice in our complex twenty-first century culture.